Dune Runner, a member of
Mini-Con Adventure Team from
Transformers Armada, transforms into a dune buggy, with an awesome machine gun. The cool dune buggy mode is the reason I bought the Mini-Con Adventure Team's set.
Transformer's Wiki :
Dune Runner is the Adventure Mini-Con Team's technical expert, with a knack for gauging field conditions and other mission variables. He's usually a bright and cheery Mini-Con who lets everyone around him know it, looking to brighten the mood of those around him. But his emotional lows run as extreme as his highs; should something upset him, he is subject to depression and relentless complaining. A particular trigger for this is forcing him to leave warmer climates for damper or colder ones. As such, Iceberg's penchant for trying to steer the Team to cold-weather missions ends up doubly annoying
Special Note :
"Henshin" will be a segment where I will feature a Transformer changing to OR from its' alternate mode. As this is the first video in the "Henshin" segment, its' quality is not that great due to poor pictures (poor lighting, shifting angles, lacks creativity and of course the usual interruption by Amir. He woke up before I could finish taking all the pictures.) I'm not sure how often I will post for the segment as I have to take about 20 photos to create the 20 second video. Very time consuming lah ...
Japanese : Henshin
English : Transform
B.Malaysia : Bertukar